What Can I Claim For?

A claim for injury compensation is made of two parts: General Damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity and Special Damages for losses and expenses.

Our lawyers are taking action for victims who have suffered.

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General Damages

We'll arrange for an expert to medically examine you as soon as possible to provide us with a report to let us assess the extent and severity of suffering caused by the accident. We will commonly instruct an Orthopaedic expert, but we may arrange several appointments depending on your injuries. We may need to instruct a Plastic Surgeon for any burns or scarring injuries, a Neurologist for head injuries, or a Psychologist for any mental trauma caused by what can be a devastating experience.

We understand the affect that a motorbike accident can have on you, so we're prepared to make sure we cover absolutely everything and make sure you get every penny of the compensation you are legally entitled to claim for.

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motorbike accident medical examinations

We can look at things like:

The effect the injuries have on your domestic, social, and work life.

Any mobility problems caused by injuries.

Loss of enjoyment of your treasured motorbike.

Any scarring, both physical and mental, caused by the accident.

After The Accident

Special Damages will allow you to recover compensation for expenses and losses caused by the accident or injury. Common things you can claim for are:

Loss of earnings

Loss of earnings

Lost earnings from time off work - including bonuses or overtime lost.

Repair costs

Repair costs

Repair or replacement costs for your bike.

Rental cost provisions

Hire & rental cost

Hire provisions if you need it.

Insurance help


Policy excess recovery.

Replace motorcycle gear

Replacement Gear

Replacement helmet and other protective gear damaged or no longer usable due to the accident.

Medical expenses

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses - whether this is from prescription or over the counter medication, or orthopaedic supports and rehabilitation costs.

Travel expenses

Travel Expenses

Travel expenses to and from appointments - make a note of your mileage or retain public transport receipts.

Make sure you keep any receipts and invoices for anything related to the above. Evidence is needed to help you claim these sorts of things back as insurers will always try and dispute your claim and pay out as little as possible.

Start Your Claim

If you need care and assistance from family and friends, we can claim back a carers fee for help with domestic tasks like household chores, personal hygiene, and meal preparation. We know that motorbike accident injuries are often debilitating, and we will always look to claim back a carers fee for help from friends and family.

We know they're probably not charging you for their help; but you can still claim it back as gratuitous care and assistance. So make a note of any help you have been given and we can help you to claim this back as well.

Call us 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today, or if you prefer why not arrange for one of our team to call you back for FREE advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below, and we'll call you back when you're ready to chat.

Care and Assistance

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