Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

The glare of the sun and motorbike accidents

First published by Author on June 13, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with

motorbike no win no fee accident claim advice

The glare of the sun is no excuse when it comes to motorbike accidents. Although we have been unusually blessed this year with some seriously warm weather in recent weeks, and we’re all wondering when our luck is going to end, it’s not an excuse to be distracted by it.

In times like these where we have enjoyed unusually sunny weather, the glare of the sun is one of many annoyances drivers must cope with, but it’s a serious issue to understand because the simple glare of the sun can lead to motorbike accidents, which can be serious.

As we often say, in short, cars are bigger than bikes. Cars are far easier to spot than motorbikes on the road which is why drivers must take extra care to look out for riders to avoid horrible accidents. The glare of the sun on a wind-shield, although sometimes only small, can be more than enough to mask the approach of a biker when a driver is emerging on to a new road. It can be more than enough to mask a biker in the mirror of a car trying to change lanes as well.

The weather can never be used as an excuse as drivers must adjust their driving to suit the conditions of their environment. Although doing this seems obvious when it’s wet – i.e. slow down to increase stopping distances – many fail to consider what extra precautions they need to take in sunnier climes.

The glare of the sun is one such problem drivers are responsible for taking extra care with.

The weather is never an excuse. If the glare of the sun is blinding or restricting a driver’s vision, they must only make a manoeuvre when they can fully see. There can be no room for “chancing it” or thinking it’s fine just because a big old car isn’t visible. That small spot of the sun glaring on a wind-shield or in a mirror may be hiding a biker.

The glare of the sun and motorbike accidents is one of many potentially deadly combinations. As a motorbike rider, if you are injured in an accident as a result of a driver being unable to see because of the glare of the sun, take note that the driver does not have an excuse in those circumstances. The driver should be fully liable for any damages and losses caused.

The content of this post/page was considered accurate at the time of the original posting and/or at the time of any posted revision. The content of this page may, therefore, be out of date. The information contained within this page does not constitute legal advice. Any reliance you place on the information contained within this page is done so at your own risk.

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