Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

The annual colder weather warning for bikers has arrived

First published by Author on October 31, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety and tagged with | |

look out for motorbikes in bad weather

Since we’ve seen a bit of snow this month, we think it’s the time of the year when we give our annual colder weather warning for road users.

Bikers themselves need to make sure riding is adjusted to suit the conditions of the darkening days and wetter weather. But, it’s the drivers who need to take the extra care to look out for bikers as visibility worsens and stopping distances increase as well.

In the warm confines of a car, drivers can end up distracted and lazy. For bikers, this can be a recipe for disaster.  All road users must take care!

The summer is over; it’s all about colder weather now

We had a wonderfully warm summer, but it’s over and done with now. All we have to look forward to is the colder weather and the darker, shorter days.

Although this can typically be a time of year when biker numbers decline, it can also be a time when accidents are on the rise. Visibility will worsen with the weather, and drivers can become more careless when the heaters are on full blast inside a car.

This means greater dangers for bikers.

Although the duty of care to not cause an accident is of course with all road users, bikers must take more head of the dangers for their own sake and safety.

The colder weather is never an excuse

As we like to remind people, the colder weather is never an excuse.

If a careless driver has run into a biker as a result of a cosy heater causing laziness, or by them failing to adjust to the harsher climes, there’s no excuse. All road users must ensure they pay full attention to the roads, and we must all adjust our driving and riding to suit the worsening weather.

No one can use the excuse that they were the victim of the weather. All road users must react to the weather to ensure we all stay safe on the roads.

Injured as a biker due to the colder weather?

If you’re a biker who has been injured due to the negligence of another road user as a result of the colder weather, you’re claim is against the road user.

We can represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis for a case.

If you’re injured are serious, please get in touch with our Serious Injury Claims Team as soon as you can.

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