Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Tag: bad weather

Motorbike accidents in the colder weather

First published by Author on January 04, 2023 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation Injuries and tagged with | | | |


The chances of motorbike accidents occurring can be higher in the colder weather, but this is no excuse for a driver to get away with what has happened if they are negligent in the duty of care they have for you as an injured rider.

We are specialists in serious personal injury compensation claims, and we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation to injured bikers involved in accidents. The best thing to do is speak to our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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Had a bike crash in the snow?

First published by Author on January 30, 2019 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | |

neck Injury claims

The recent weather means an increase in the likelihood of people being involved in a bike crash in the snow as the weather has turned this week, and it may get worse.

OK, we know it’s only a bit of snow for many parts of the country. The UK has a tendency to have a bit of a meltdown when a flurry of the white stuff hits us. But this week’s snow has been enough to close airport runways and cause traffic problems.

As relatively small as it may be, it doesn’t change the fact that the dangers of a bike crash in the snow can be increased.

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Advice for a bike accident in traffic

First published by Author on January 03, 2019 in the following categories: Accident Claims Compensation and tagged with | |

busy roads

It’s the time of year when advice for a bike accident in traffic may be useful to a lot of riders out there. Christmas is over, and the big commutes are back.

Not only are the roads going to get busier and busier as the holidays close to a final end, the weather won’t be helpful either. We have a few more months of darkness and cold, wet weather to endure.

When the heating is up and the frustration of traffic in the dark gets too much, some drivers will make mistakes. That means a possible increase in the need for advice after a bike accident in traffic. For us, that means people are in need of our help, which we’re happy to provide.

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It’s never too dark to see a motorbike!

First published by Author on November 14, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Compensation and tagged with | | |

traffic light accident claims advice

We’re now in that stage of the year where we’re commuting in the dark. This is your reminder that it’s never too dark to see a motorbike!

Well, it’s never too dark to see a motorbike to long as all road users are abiding by the rules of the road and are using lights and reflectors. At this time of year, where drivers are commuting home in the cold and dark, there can be an increase in motorbike accidents. It can be generally harder to see in the darker and wetter weather. But, the excuse that it was too dark to see a motorbike that led to a crash is not acceptable in normal circumstances.

As a rider, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

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Bikers beware! Fog season is upon us…

First published by Admin on November 15, 2017 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with |

foggy weather motorbike dangers

We recently reminded you (perhaps, rather cruelly) that the clocks have gone back and many of us are now commuting home in darkness. Sorry to remind you about that, but it’s relevant in terms of bikers and motorbike accidents that can be caused by other road users who fail to account for the worsening weather.

On that topic, let’s talk fog. We touched on it in a recent article when we mentioned whether any of you had been across the peaks around this time of year when it’s likely you’ll see no further than 30 or so feet in front of you.

The issue with fog is that it presents yet another danger for riders, and it’s one that needs to be addressed. As we always say, the worsening weather is not an acceptable excuse for reckless driving.
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