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Motorbike Injury Lawyers Blog

We offer expert help & advice for those who need to make a motorbike injury compensation claim!

motorbike hand injury
June 05, 2019

Hand injury compensation amounts in biker claims

For bikers, hand injury compensation amounts can be substantial, and it’s a part of the body that’s easily injured when a rider is involved in an accident.

With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to give you a little insight into how we value hand injury compensation claims.

When you make a motorbike accident compensation claim, you can claim for General Damages and for Special Damages. General Damages is for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused, and that’s where we can give you an idea about amount. Special Damages is for losses and expenses, and that part of the case can easily be valued at more than the injury side of things.

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biker speeding accident advice
May 29, 2019

Advice for a motorbike accident on a country road

We’re apparently due for some warmer weather this weekend, so I expect bikers to be out in force. With that in mind, here’s some advice if you have a motorbike accident on a country road.

As we often say, with the warmer weather comes more bikers. A country ride is a wonderful thought, but it’s not without its dangers. With drivers going too fast and pulling out from junctions, country roads with higher speed limits can be dangerous for riders. If you’re a rider who’s injured in an accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

Here’s a little advice about your rights.

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motorbike ankle injury claims
May 22, 2019

Foot injury compensation pay-outs

Need advice about foot injury compensation pay-outs as a rider who has been involved in a motorbike accident? We can help you.

As we usually say, without the protection a car offers, riders are often more seriously injured in accidents. Injuries to limbs like the feet can be common from either the impact of the initial collision, or the impact along the ground.

The only way to properly value a motorbike accident compensation claim is with specialist medical evidence. As part of the legal case process, we can obtain this. For rough guidance based on information we use with the medical evidence, read on.

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animal road accident claims
May 15, 2019

What can you do if you’re a biker injured by an animal?

If you’re a biker injured by an animal, you may be unsure as to how you can make a claim for personal injury compensation.

It’s not like you can sue an animal directly…

There is a way you can make a claim for compensation and receive the damages that you may be entitled to receive, and we may be able to represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis for a case as well. Whether you can claim or not often depends on the circumstances of your accident but know this: you may be able to bring a successful case.

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Back Pain motorcycle back injury case
May 08, 2019

Claiming compensation for motorbike back injuries

Making a claim for personal injury compensation for motorbike back injuries is often a given in most accidents where a rider is injured.

Coming off your bike in a collision is likely going to lead to some element of a back injury. In some cases, back injurers can be incredibly severe, and can leave the victim with lifelong problems.

With a combination of our specialist expertise and high-quality medical evidence, we can make sure that you receive the best possible compensation pay-out for a back injury. Here’s a little advice about what to expect in this kind of case when it comes to the amounts you can claim for.

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motorbike no win no fee accident claim advice
May 01, 2019

It’s spring: compensation for a motorcycle accident is coming

It’s May and the weather is warm, so the bikers are set to be out in force, and that’s when we may see rises in claims for compensation for a motorcycle accident.

And this can be the case particularly when we have warm bank / public holidays. Two down, and we’re set to have the two May ones, next week and later on in the month. Assuming it will be warm, we’re set to see an increase in bikers. And that means only one thing: the potential for an increase in motorcycle accidents.

As an injured rider, know your rights!

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motorbike filtering injury claims
April 24, 2019

Advice for making a fractured jaw compensation claim

If you need to make a fractured jaw compensation claim as a rider who has been injured in a motorcycle accident, we can help you.

Although your helmet should hopefully have prevented more serious damage, a fractured jaw can easily be sustained from a bike incident. Any impact at speed can dislocate or fracture the jaw bone / mandible. If this happens to you, can you claim, and what could you expect to receive in terms of a compensation pay-out?

There can be a few things to consider when we value a fractured jaw compensation claim. We can give you some general guidance in this article here, but for specialist advice, make sure you contact the team.

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Compensation amounts money
April 17, 2019

How much is a good settlement for a motorcycle accident?

If you want to know how much a good settlement for a motorcycle accident is, we need to explain to you how we value the case.

We have to be honest. This isn’t an easy question to answer without knowing anything about your circumstances. We’ll link you to some of our articles about different injuries and how much you could claim, but the value of the claim all depends on your injuries and losses.

Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we may be able to get for you. We have to consider how bad your injuries are and what sorts of losses and expenses you’ve incurred as well.

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serious injuries
April 10, 2019

Motorbike knee injuries and compensation amounts

Motorbike knee injuries can be common when riders are involved in accidents. You’re likely to come off your bike or at least hit your knee, so we see these kinds of injuries a lot.

Knee injuries can be serious. It can be easy to do long-term damage when the knee joint is disrupted in any way at all. It can be easy for a rider to be left with permanent problems, and the need for surgery is also common. That’s why compensation amounts for motorbike knee injuries can be quite high, as we have to make sure that any damages received reflect what the victim has to go through.

Here’s a little advice about what to expect for this type of claim, and how much compensation you could be entitled to receive.

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motorbike shoulder injury claim
April 03, 2019

Private treatment for a motorcycle accident

If you instruct us for a legal case, we may be able to offer private treatment for a motorcycle accident as part of your personal injury claim.

When you make a case, it isn’t just about making sure you receive the damages that you’re legally entitled to recover. There’s also a duty to make sure that you recover as quickly as possible, which is why treatment can often be essential. But since it isn’t always east to access treatment quickly with the NHS, it can be possible to have private treatment. This can be included as part of a legal case, and it’s something that we may be able to help you with.

We’re proud to be able to offer a range of extensive options as part of the service we offer for our clients.

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