Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Motorcycle defects compensation

First published by Author on November 07, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | |

motorbike claims

Need to make a motorcycle defects compensation claim? We can help you right now as we do represent victims for defect cases as well.

Although the typical type of motorcycle claim usually involve an accident between at least two parties, defect claims is also a specialism of ours. If you have been injured as a rider because your motorcycle was defective, you have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

The injuries can be just as severe when it’s a defect that has caused a crash or a fall. The procedures differ for how you make a case. But, importantly, you have the right to claim.

Can you claim motorcycle defects compensation?

You may be able to make a motorcycle defects compensation claim if you have been injured because of a fault with your bike.

Some common examples of how a defect occurs can include:

  • New bikes were something has gone wrong;
  • A defect that has come under recall where you did not know about the issue;
  • A defect caused by a repair;
  • A defect missed when you have purchased a motorcycle second-hand.

These are just some of the circumstances where you may be able to make a motorcycle defects compensation claim. If the defect has led to an injury, you are entitled to claim for personal injury compensation.

Who do you make a motorcycle defects compensation claim against?

Who you make your motorcycle defects compensation claim against can depend on the circumstances. It’s all about who is to blame.

If it’s an inherent design defect, you can sue the manufacturer. The law can entitle you to claim from a seller in any event just the same, so if the manufacturer is based abroad and you can’t sue them directly, you should be fine.

If the defect has been caused by a recent repair then the claim can be against the garage or mechanic. All manufacturers, sellers and mechanics should be insured. It’s normally the insurers who you pursue your case against.

Start your motorcycle defects compensation claim today

You can start a motorcycle defects compensation case easily today.

You can claim for the same sorts of damages you would expect in any other motorcycle compensation case. We offer No Win, No Fee representation for defect claims as well.

Please contact the team for further advice and assistance.

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