Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Motorbike claim with contributory negligence

First published by Author on February 20, 2019 in the following categories: Accident Claims Compensation News and tagged with | | |

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A motorbike claim with contributory negligence can be a common occurrence as some drivers try to argue that you were partially to blame; whether they’re right or wrong.

Contributory negligence simply means that you, as the rider, were in some way to blame for the accident or the injuries that occurred. It’s an argument that you partially bear some responsibility, and there are loads of arguments often used by drivers when bikers are injured in accidents. These can include arguments that you were speeding, or weaving dangerously, or overtaking without full due care and attention.

These arguments mean you may still have a claim where the underlying blame for the accident does lye with a driver, but this can still harm your case. A motorbike claim with contributory negligence often means a reduction in the compensation you receive. So, how do we stop this happening?

Motorbike claim with contributory negligence is no cause for immediate panic!

In many cases, a motorbike claim with contributory negligence being argued by the driver at fault is no need for immediate panic. It can be a common argument, particularly when you’re seriously injured. And with many biker injuries often being serious, it can happen a lot.

Firstly, if you’re asked to agree to something or engage in any discussions about liability and you don’t have a solicitor, stop! You should always instruct a specialist law firm to properly represent your interests. There have been times when insurers haven’t put a great deal of effort into defending you as a rider when a contributory negligence argument is made. Don’t just let it happen, and make sure you have a proper lawyer to look out for your best interests.

If you’re reading this and this applies to you, go here now and grab the contact details for our team and get in touch.

Can you fight a motorbike claim with contributory negligence argued?

Importantly, you can fight a motorbike claim with contributory negligence argued by the opponent. You don’t just have to accept it and take the hit. If a successful argument of contributory negligence is made, this normally means a reduction in the damages you receive. For example, if you’re found to be 25% at fault for the accident and your claim is settled for £25,000.00, you’re going to lose £6,250.00.

And that’s a lot!

So, we argue your case. We look at the evidence and whether the Defendant has any hard evidence to prove their arguments. If you were genuinely partially to blame, we can at least do all we can to argue for the lowest reduction possible. We’ll use our specialist experience to argue your case and put as much pressure on as we can to resolve a motorbike claim with contributory negligence argued against you. The aim is to try and reverse the argument or at least minimise any reduction as much as we can for you.

For tailored advice about your claim, please contact the team for help and assistance.

The content of this post/page was considered accurate at the time of the original posting and/or at the time of any posted revision. The content of this page may, therefore, be out of date. The information contained within this page does not constitute legal advice. Any reliance you place on the information contained within this page is done so at your own risk.

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