motorbike ankle injury claims

Motorbike ankle injury claims for compensation

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Motorbike ankle injury claims for compensation

We can take forward motorbike ankle injury claims for compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis for those who are eligible where we believe that there is a case to make.

In this article, we will look into when you could be eligible to claim. We will also look at potential amounts that you could be eligible to receive in compensation for the injuries that you suffer.

Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more a case can be worth. We can look at official guidelines to give you an idea of estimated pay-outs for you.

Can you claim compensation?

Motorbike ankle injury claims can be legal cases for compensation for any injuries and losses sustained as a result of an accident of this nature.

If someone else is to blame for what has happened, and we can establish a case of negligence against them, you could be entitled to succeed with a legal case. If we are confident enough that we can win your claim, we can offer to work for you on a No Win, No Fee basis as well. This can mean that we can write off our legal fees if the claim does not succeed, subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement that we have in place.

Motorbike ankle injury claims amounts

We can give you some rough guidance in terms of the value of motorbike ankle injury claims for compensation. Cases do need to be properly valued with expert medical evidence and our own expertise, but we do use official guidelines for assistance as well.

The official guidelines that we use to help us value motorbike ankle injury claims state as follows:

  • Modest injuries, such as simple fractures or sprains: up to around £12,500.00;
  • Moderate injuries, such as more complicated fractures, ligament damage, the use of metal plates, visible scarring, and some long-term issues: up to around £23,000.00;
  • Severe injuries, involving a lengthy period of treatment, pins and plates likely, significant residual disability, scarring, and issues that could affect employment and daily life: up to around £44,000.00;
  • Very severe – serious and more complicated fractures or soft tissue injuries leading to severe and permanent problems: up to around £60,000.00.

Importantly, the above is just for the General Damages part of the case, which is for the injury and suffering alone. In serious injury cases that we often represent people for, the larger proportion of the final settlement amount can be for the Special Damages. This is for losses and expenses and could include lost earnings for life if the injury causes substantial disabilities.

Free, no-obligation advice

We are always happy to provide you with free and no-obligation advice for motorbike ankle injury claims. All you need to do is contact the team here and we can usually tell you in minutes if your case is one that we can take forward for you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Our office is normally open from 9am to 10pm on most weekdays and 9am to 5pm on most weekends. This is so we can be as accessible as we can for you.

Start Your Claim

You can call our claims team free from a landline or mobile on 0800 634 7575 or click on the link below to create a call back with one of our expert Injury Claims team.
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