Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Hand injury compensation claims – motorbike accidents

First published by Author on April 06, 2022 in the following categories: Accident Claims Compensation Injuries and tagged with | | |

motorbike hand injury

Any motorcyclist who has injured their hand(s) in an accident may be able to recover hand injury compensation. Whether you have sustained a fracture or have been forced to undergo amputation, we are equipped to deal with claims for both minor and major injuries, so we can use our expertise to recover a pay-out which reflects the severity of your hand injury.

The injuries sustained by motorcyclists can be severe in the event of a road traffic accident, which is why we want to make sure that all those entitled to claim can obtain the compensation that they deserve. As a motorcyclist, you may face prejudice from other road users, who often misjudge motorcyclists as reckless or dangerous drivers. We can reassure you that, if your injury was caused through no fault of your own, we can help you to recover compensation from any driver who was responsible for the accident.

Do I have a claim to make?

We understand that injury claims can be a somewhat mystifying area of law sometimes, and it is true that they can be particularly complex in the case of biker accidents.

As lawyers, the first thing we need to establish is that, for the most part, you were not to blame for the accident. However, in the event that you are partially responsible, this can simply be reflected in your compensation value, and this does not stop you from claiming. For instance, if you are judged to be 20% responsible for the road accident, you may have 20% deducted from your compensation pay-out to account for what is known as contributory negligence.

Next, we can start to value your claim with regard to two compensation categories: General Damages and Special Damages. General Damages can cover any pain, suffering and loss of amenity (inconvenience) caused to the injured person, and Special Damages can cover any financial costs arising from the accident. This could include anything from the cost of replacing or repairing your damaged vehicle, to the cost of pain medication, physiotherapy or mobility aids.

Hand injury compensation values

Your hand injury compensation value can of course depend on the severity of the injury. According to official guidelines, victims could be entitled to the following General Damages value estimations:

  • Total or Effective Loss (Both Hands): £112,100 to £160,600;
  • Serious Damage to Both Hands: £44,550 to £67,410;
  • Total or Effective Loss of One Hand: £76,650 to £87,410;
  • Amputation of Index and Middle and/or Ring Fingers: £49,350 to £72,330;
  • Serious Hand Injuries: £23,110 to £49,350;
  • Less Serious Hand Injury: £11,520 to £23,110;
  • Moderate Hand Injury: £4,640 to £10,580;
  • Minor Hand Injuries: £730 to £3,460.

The Judicial College guidelines that the above is sourced from also go into detail about the compensation pay-outs for various kinds of finger injuries. For proper clarity, you will need specialist medical evidence to determine what a final award could look like.

It is important to remember that the hand injury compensation values listed above are only guidelines to give lawyers a rough idea of values for injury amounts, so the pay-outs can vary depending on the case. In addition, you could be awarded a significant Special Damages pay-out on top of these compensation values if you have substantial losses and/or expenses to recover.

Start your claim today

As specialist injury lawyers, we have recovered millions of pounds for injured accident victims, so we are experienced in winning the maximum compensation amounts for our clients.

You can contact us for free, no-obligation advice today if you are interested in making a claim for hand injury compensation.

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