Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Getting CCTV for a motorbike accident compensation claim

First published by Author on May 23, 2018 in the following categories: Compensation and tagged with

claims form

Getting CCTV for a motorbike accident compensation claim can be vital to prove the claim and ensure your right to obtain the compensation you deserve. Sadly, we do not live in a completely open and honest world, meaning liability for an accident can come down to one person’s word against another.

One saving grace for you as a motorbike rider injured in an accident is CCTV footage, which can be obtained and used to prove your claim.

But you do have to be quick, and you are best instructing us to represent you for a personal injury claim, so we can help you secure the CCTV footage that could save your claim.

CCTV is practically everywhere these days, from council CCTV, to cameras positioned outside of shop fronts; and even outside residences. As soon as you are able to – or perhaps with the help of friends and family if you are badly injured – scope out the area to find out if there is any nearby CCTV footage.

But you have to be quick. Many places only keep CCTV footage for a short period of time; some for only a few weeks. Once the footage has been erased, your only saving grace for the claim may have been lost forever.

Better yet, instruct our expert motorcycle injury lawyers and we can do it for you. If you instruct us straight away, we can investigate any CCTV footage in the area immediately to help prove your claim. For some cases, we can write to local businesses and the council and request that footage be formally retained as evidence for the case. Although there are data protection rules we must satisfy before being able to obtain certain footage, we can at least put them on notice to allow us to make sure that we have written confirmation that the footage has been saved and secured.

It can be essential to the case that you act quickly. With our representation, we can act fast to make sure any key evidence that could be the make or break of your motorbike accident claim is secured.

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