Sign-up to make a compensation claim today - use our quick and easy form to begin your claim for thousands in compensation.
Start Your Claim NowWhen it comes to motorbike accidents, there are lots of different causes that could allow you to claim compensation. If you were hit by a vehicle whilst lane filtering, you could be eligible to make a personal injury claim with us today.
The Motorbike Injury Lawyers are here to help you if you have been in a motorbike accident. Whether the accident was either fully or partially someone else’s fault, you could have a winning compensation claim. Get in touch with our expert team today by calling us on 0800 634 75 75 or filling in a contact form here.
A common cause of motorbike accidents when lane filtering is involved is when other vehicles fail to look out for motorbikes and only look out for other vehicles. An example can include a car pulling out into your path whilst you are safely overtaking traffic. This kind of incident could lead to serious accidents and injuries if you are hit unexpectedly.
Other causes for potential claims like this can include:
If you have been involved in an accident that was caused by any of the above, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim now.
When involved in a motorbike lane filtering accident, it is important to know exactly what you could claim for.
We can look at claiming compensation for things such as:
We can also instruct an independent medical expert to assess your injuries and provide a report for us to use as evidence in your case. We can use this to assess the value of a claim and to help to support any potential losses and expenses that you wish to claim for.
In the event that the accident was partially your fault, you could still be eligible to make a compensation claim. We will always aim to fight for a 100% compensation claim for you but, in the event that you are found to be partially responsible, the compensation can be split.
For example, if the blame is found to be split 70/30, where you are 30% at fault, you may face a reduction of 30% from your claim to take this into account. Importantly, you can still make a claim.
If you have been involved in a motorbike accident whilst you were lane filtering, you could be eligible to claim compensation today.
Our team of expert lawyers can offer you free, no-obligation advice. If you are unsure of your eligibility, speak to our team today to find out. Call us on 0800 634 7575 or fill in a contact form and one of our team can get back to you.