Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Category: Bike Safety

Motorbike accidents in the colder weather

First published by Author on January 04, 2023 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation Injuries and tagged with | | | |


The chances of motorbike accidents occurring can be higher in the colder weather, but this is no excuse for a driver to get away with what has happened if they are negligent in the duty of care they have for you as an injured rider.

We are specialists in serious personal injury compensation claims, and we can offer No Win, No Fee legal representation to injured bikers involved in accidents. The best thing to do is speak to our team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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Darker nights and motorcycle accidents

First published by Author on February 02, 2022 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | | | |

traffic light accident claims advice

Through the winter months, we naturally experience reduced daylight hours, and drivers have no choice but to make journeys through these darker nights. The problem can be more significant for motorcyclists, whose presence and visibility on the road is already less than that of car drivers anyway, without the added veil of darkness.

Nevertheless, motorcyclists are not at fault for braving the conditions in the event that another driver causes a crash. Drivers can remain entirely responsible if they fail to pay attention to motorcyclists. If you are a motorcyclist who has suffered from an accident due to the negligence of another driver, you may be entitled to claim compensation for any resultant injuries and suffering.

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Had a motorbike accident in snow?

First published by Author on February 05, 2020 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | |

claims form

We’re in the height of the colder months of the winter, so if you have had a motorbike accident in snow, you may find the advice in this article useful.

If you’re the innocent victim in a motorcycle accident and you’ve suffered injuries as a result, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. If another road user is at fault, they can’t rely on the excuse that the weather was a contributing factor to the accident to completely get away with it. We all have a duty to adapt to the weather conditions, so it’s no defence to say such a thing.

In snowy conditions, the risks of an accident taking place can be greater, so it’s important that we address this.

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Motorbike accidents at night set to rise

First published by Author on October 30, 2019 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | |

motorbike roundabout accidents

It’s that time of year again where motorbike accidents at night will likely increase as a result of the clocks going back over last weekend.

Although bikers are usually easy to spot given the specialist lights used on many bikes, as well as the use of reflective clothing, the darker nights can always mean greater risks. It can be harder to pick out exactly where a bike is positioned, and it may be difficult to judge how close a rider is as well.

With this in mind, drivers need to make sure that they take extra care to look out for riders, and any injured bikers need to know their rights when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation.

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Had a bike crash in the snow?

First published by Author on January 30, 2019 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | |

neck Injury claims

The recent weather means an increase in the likelihood of people being involved in a bike crash in the snow as the weather has turned this week, and it may get worse.

OK, we know it’s only a bit of snow for many parts of the country. The UK has a tendency to have a bit of a meltdown when a flurry of the white stuff hits us. But this week’s snow has been enough to close airport runways and cause traffic problems.

As relatively small as it may be, it doesn’t change the fact that the dangers of a bike crash in the snow can be increased.

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Dangers of bike accidents in icy weather

First published by Author on January 23, 2019 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety and tagged with |


The weather has turned. We’ve seen temperatures drop and snow has fallen. So, it’s a time of the year when we remind ourselves of the dangers of bike accidents in icy weather.

When it comes to a bike accident, the weather is never an excuse. A driver who hits a biker because of the weather conditions can’t just rely on the weather as a defence. Road users need to adjust in icy conditions, which means reducing speeds and increasing stopping distances.

Even when we think it’s fine, there could be traitorous black ice waiting to slip is up. Bike accidents in icy weather can easily happen when road users fail to adjust their driving to suit the conditions. We’re here to fight for justice for injured riders if an accident ever happens.

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Bikers beware in Christmas traffic

First published by Author on December 12, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | |


Bikers may need to be extra cautious in Christmas traffic, especially on the frantic Friday next week, and on Christmas Eve.

Drivers should, of course, ensure they are paying full due care and attention when out on the roads, but we all know that doesn’t always happen. Commuting in loads of traffic in the dark and with the cold, wet weather battering outside isn’t nice. The extra Christmas traffic is frustrating enough. The heater on full blast inside a car can make some drivers tired and lazy.

It all adds up to a dangerous time for bikers who could end up injured in an accident by an impatient or fatigued driver!

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The self driving motorcycle

First published by Author on November 28, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with |

The self drive motorcycle is a thing, and as we move toward the use of autonomous vehicles on the UK’s roads soon, we could see them appear.

BMW actually created a self driving motorcycle. This project has been in the works for a couple of years, we understand. It follows the trend of autonomous vehicles which are set to be tested on the roads in Britain in the very near future.

The self driving motorcycle can apparently start, brake and lean to turn all by themselves. However, BMW say that the plan isn’t actually to sell self driving motorcycle, but rather to use some of the technology to create safer riding. Could this really work?

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Rise in motorcycle delivery rider accidents

First published by Author on November 21, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | |

bikers can safely weave in traffic

There may have been a rise in motorcycle delivery rider road incidents as a result of their growing popularity.

Bike couriers have been around for a long time, but there’s been a recent rise in bikes being used for food deliveries as well. From the likes of Uber Eats and Deliveroo, meals delivered on two wheels is a common thing in urban areas.

Although better for our environment, any motorcycle delivery rider is at risk of an accident on the road. Bikers are already at increased risks from not being seen. Growing numbers of bikes is a matter other road users need to take into account.

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Motorcycle defects compensation

First published by Author on November 07, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | |

motorbike claims

Need to make a motorcycle defects compensation claim? We can help you right now as we do represent victims for defect cases as well.

Although the typical type of motorcycle claim usually involve an accident between at least two parties, defect claims is also a specialism of ours. If you have been injured as a rider because your motorcycle was defective, you have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

The injuries can be just as severe when it’s a defect that has caused a crash or a fall. The procedures differ for how you make a case. But, importantly, you have the right to claim.

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