Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Tag: weather

It’s never too dark to see a motorbike!

First published by Author on November 14, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Compensation and tagged with | | |

traffic light accident claims advice

We’re now in that stage of the year where we’re commuting in the dark. This is your reminder that it’s never too dark to see a motorbike!

Well, it’s never too dark to see a motorbike to long as all road users are abiding by the rules of the road and are using lights and reflectors. At this time of year, where drivers are commuting home in the cold and dark, there can be an increase in motorbike accidents. It can be generally harder to see in the darker and wetter weather. But, the excuse that it was too dark to see a motorbike that led to a crash is not acceptable in normal circumstances.

As a rider, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

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The annual colder weather warning for bikers has arrived

First published by Author on October 31, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety and tagged with | |

look out for motorbikes in bad weather

Since we’ve seen a bit of snow this month, we think it’s the time of the year when we give our annual colder weather warning for road users.

Bikers themselves need to make sure riding is adjusted to suit the conditions of the darkening days and wetter weather. But, it’s the drivers who need to take the extra care to look out for bikers as visibility worsens and stopping distances increase as well.

In the warm confines of a car, drivers can end up distracted and lazy. For bikers, this can be a recipe for disaster.  All road users must take care!

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Your reminder about dangers for bikers

First published by Author on September 05, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | |


It’s the time of year where dangers for bikers could rise as the school terms begins and roads get busier at the same time as the weather starts to turn.

I hear we may be in for an Indian summer, but on the basis we’re to expect the usual September weather, the roads are set to get busier and more dangerous, so the dangers for motorbike riders cannot be ignored.

Drivers still have the same duty of care to make sure they to not create any dangers for bikers at a time when riders may be at greater risk.

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Scorching weather and the dangers for bikers

First published by Author on June 27, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety News and tagged with

motorcycle crash settlement examples

It’s been a long time since we had a summer as hot as this and with the weather being almost always nice; but scorching weather and the dangers for bikers must not be ignored.

With drivers in hot and stuffy cars, getting from A to B – particularly in the dreary morning and afternoon commutes – is usually not a pleasant experience. As with any “extreme” weather, the distractions that drivers can suffer from can mean more dangerous roads for bikers, and although the duty is always on the drivers to take care and pay attention, bikers have to be aware of the dangers.

Scorching weather can increase the dangers bikers are in for a number of reasons.

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