Help & advice for motorbike compensation claims

Category: Bike Safety

The annual colder weather warning for bikers has arrived

First published by Author on October 31, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety and tagged with | |

look out for motorbikes in bad weather

Since we’ve seen a bit of snow this month, we think it’s the time of the year when we give our annual colder weather warning for road users.

Bikers themselves need to make sure riding is adjusted to suit the conditions of the darkening days and wetter weather. But, it’s the drivers who need to take the extra care to look out for bikers as visibility worsens and stopping distances increase as well.

In the warm confines of a car, drivers can end up distracted and lazy. For bikers, this can be a recipe for disaster.  All road users must take care!

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Your reminder about dangers for bikers

First published by Author on September 05, 2018 in the following categories: Accident Claims Bike Safety Compensation and tagged with | | |


It’s the time of year where dangers for bikers could rise as the school terms begins and roads get busier at the same time as the weather starts to turn.

I hear we may be in for an Indian summer, but on the basis we’re to expect the usual September weather, the roads are set to get busier and more dangerous, so the dangers for motorbike riders cannot be ignored.

Drivers still have the same duty of care to make sure they to not create any dangers for bikers at a time when riders may be at greater risk.

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Scorching weather and the dangers for bikers

First published by Author on June 27, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety News and tagged with

motorcycle crash settlement examples

It’s been a long time since we had a summer as hot as this and with the weather being almost always nice; but scorching weather and the dangers for bikers must not be ignored.

With drivers in hot and stuffy cars, getting from A to B – particularly in the dreary morning and afternoon commutes – is usually not a pleasant experience. As with any “extreme” weather, the distractions that drivers can suffer from can mean more dangerous roads for bikers, and although the duty is always on the drivers to take care and pay attention, bikers have to be aware of the dangers.

Scorching weather can increase the dangers bikers are in for a number of reasons.

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Danger roads and what should be done about them?

First published by Author on June 20, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety News and tagged with |

lane changing accidents

Danger roads and what should be done about them: should the local authorities do more when there are danger roads that see more motorcycle accidents than most?

It’s not uncommon for local residents to lobby to their councils when there is a particular stretch of the highway that is subject to more accidents, and things sometimes can – and are – done about them.

That being said, with motorcycle accidents being more common anyway, do we need to look more closely at trends when it comes to danger roads specifically for bikers?

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The glare of the sun and motorbike accidents

First published by Author on June 13, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with

motorbike no win no fee accident claim advice

The glare of the sun is no excuse when it comes to motorbike accidents. Although we have been unusually blessed this year with some seriously warm weather in recent weeks, and we’re all wondering when our luck is going to end, it’s not an excuse to be distracted by it.

In times like these where we have enjoyed unusually sunny weather, the glare of the sun is one of many annoyances drivers must cope with, but it’s a serious issue to understand because the simple glare of the sun can lead to motorbike accidents, which can be serious.

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It’s the season for bikers

First published by Author on May 30, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with

pillion claims

The 2018 month of May has been mostly glorious so far; meaning it’s the season for bikers.

Plenty have been out on the roads since the weather turned warm and we’ve been blessed with a good few weeks of mostly sunny skies and +25-degree heat. This means it’s a time when all users of the road have to be more careful to make sure they look out for bikers to avoid causing an accident with a motorcyclist.

Drivers must stick to the usual practices of taking extra care on junctions, roundabouts and when pulling out from parked positions and driveways in particular.

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Biker fractures spine and jaw in horror pothole crash

First published by Author on May 09, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with

lane changing accidents

A biker has suffered a fractured spine and a broken jaw in a horror pothole crash in Stony Stratford earlier this month. The injured cyclist also lost four teeth and had to stay several nights in hospital for care after the accident that was caused by a pothole filled with rainwater.

We have previously highlighted the dangers potholes pose to both cyclists and motorbike riders, and this accident was really waiting to happen. The size and number of some of the potholes that have sprung up from over the winter seasons is making the UK’s highways a real danger for two-wheeled road users, and this accident highlights how bad a biker can be injured by a pothole.

A fractured spine and a fractured jaw; just let that sink in for a moment…

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Drivers still finding it difficult to spot motorcyclists on the road

First published by Author on May 03, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with


Can you spot motorcyclists on the road? Have you ever had a near-miss with a biker because they were harder to spot than a larger road vehicle? Do you actively look out for them?

As a firm of injury lawyers who specialise in motorbike accident compensation claims, we’d rather see safer roads than personal injury cases. As we always point out, the lack of safety afforded to a biker when compared to a car driver means the kind of injuries a biker sustains are often serious.

There’s lots that road users can to do spot a motorcyclist more easily – and that’s what this blog is about.
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Motorcyclists CAN weave in traffic, and drivers need to deal with it!

First published by Author on February 28, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with |

bikers can safely weave in traffic

Is the reason that a lot of drivers get annoyed with motorcyclists weaving in and out of traffic down to the fact that they’re getting ahead of the arduous queues?


As a driver, when you’re facing yet another jam in the rush hour traffic, it can be really infuriating to have to sit their as time almost comes to a standstill, and then you see a biker moving freely down the line as they weave between the traffic.

At the end of the day, though, they’re doing nothing wrong.
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Motorbike accidents at traffic lights involving “amber gamblers” and red light “chancers”

First published by Author on February 21, 2018 in the following categories: Bike Safety and tagged with | |

traffic light accident claims advice

There are those who take it really steady at traffic lights, and then there are the “amber gamblers” who may tear through as the lights flick between red and green… And then there’s the “chancers” who take “amber gambling” to a whole new level by jumping red lights.

One quick glance may be enough for a driver to know that there are no other cars coming through on the lights, and so they jump them. Irrespective of the fact this is illegal, the other issue is that bikers – as always – can be harder to spot, and can be quicker on the roads.
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